8 x 2 Swivel Caster Heavy Duty Phenolic Wheel Brk(2)Rigid(2)1250lb ea Tool Box

8 x 2 Swivel Caster Heavy Duty Phenolic Wheel Brk(2)Rigid(2)1250lb ea Tool Box

8 x 2 Swivel Caster Heavy Duty Phenolic Wheel Brk(2)Rigid(2)1250lb ea Tool Box

8" x 2" Swivel Casters Phenolic Wheel Brake (2) Rigid (2) 1250lb each Tool Box. Below is more information and specs on this product. Feature: 3/4" Roller Bearing with 1/2" ID Bushing and Zerk Axle.

(Manufacture will provide zerk fitting in the wheel or axle). Type: Swivel Caster w Top Lock Brake & Matching Rigid. Top Plate: 4" by 4 1/2".

Bolt Pattern: 3" by 3". 1 - Set of 4.

8 x 2 Swivel Caster Heavy Duty Phenolic Wheel Brk(2)Rigid(2)1250lb ea Tool Box

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